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Logo Quiz Answers APK: The Ultimate Resource for Logo Enthusiasts

Logo Quiz Answers APK: A Fun and Challenging Game for Logo Lovers

Do you love logos? Do you think you can recognize the most famous brands in the world? If you answered yes, then you should try Logo Quiz Answers APK, a fun and challenging game that will test your logo knowledge and memory. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this game, including what it is, how to play it, why you should download it, what features it has, how to download it, and some tips and tricks to help you ace it.

What is Logo Quiz Answers APK?

Logo Quiz Answers APK is a game that challenges you to guess the names of hundreds of logos from different categories, such as cars, fashion, food, sports, technology, and more. You will see a logo on the screen and you have to type the correct answer using the available letters. The game is based on the popular Logo Quiz by BUBBLE CO., but it has all the answers for all 18 levels, so you don't have to worry about getting stuck or frustrated on a logo. You can use this app as a cheats guide or as a way to learn new logos and brands.

logo quiz answers apk

How to play Logo Quiz Answers APK?

The game is very simple and intuitive to play. You just have to follow these steps:

  • Select a level from the main menu. There are 18 levels in total, each with a different number of logos to guess.

  • Tap on a logo to see it enlarged on the screen. You will also see some letters at the bottom that you can use to type the answer.

  • Type the correct name of the logo using the letters. If you are right, you will hear a sound and see a green check mark. If you are wrong, you will hear a buzz and see a red cross.

  • Repeat the process until you complete all the logos in the level. You can also skip logos if you don't know them or come back to them later.

  • When you finish a level, you will see your score and the number of stars you earned. You can also share your results with your friends on social media or compare them with other players on the leaderboards.

Why download Logo Quiz Answers APK?

There are many reasons why you should download Logo Quiz Answers APK, such as:

  • It's fun and addictive. You will enjoy guessing logos from different categories and testing your logo knowledge.

  • It's educational. You will learn new logos and brands that you may not have seen before or that you may have forgotten.

  • It's challenging. You will face logos that are easy to recognize and others that are hard to guess. You will also have to deal with different spellings, abbreviations, and variations of the same logo.

  • It's free. You don't have to pay anything to download or play this game. You can also play it offline without an internet connection.

Features of Logo Quiz Answers APK

Logo Quiz Answers APK has many features that make it an awesome game, such as:

More than 1000 logos to guess

The game has more than 1000 logos from various categories and industries, such as cars, fashion, food, sports, technology, and more. You will find logos of famous brands like Nike, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Apple, and more. You will also find logos of lesser-known brands that may surprise you or challenge you.

16 exciting levels

The game has 16 levels that you can unlock by guessing logos. Each level has a different number of logos to guess, ranging from 34 to 76. The logos are also arranged in different orders and difficulties, so you will never get bored or repeat the same logos.

15 languages support

The game supports 15 languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Malay, and Vietnamese. You can choose your preferred language from the settings menu and play the game in that language. You can also switch languages anytime you want.

Helpful clues and hints

If you get stuck on a logo or need some help, you can use the clues and hints that the game provides. There are four types of clues and hints:

  • Expose a letter: This will reveal one letter of the answer.

  • Remove letters: This will remove some letters from the bottom that are not part of the answer.

  • Show hint: This will show a text hint about the logo or the brand.

  • Solve the question: This will show the correct answer for the logo.

You can use these clues and hints by tapping on the light bulb icon at the top right corner of the screen. However, you have to pay some coins to use them. You can earn coins by guessing logos correctly or by watching ads.

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Leaderboards and achievements

The game has leaderboards and achievements that you can access from the main menu. You can see your rank and score among other players from all over the world on the global leaderboard. You can also see your rank and score among your friends on the social leaderboard if you connect your Facebook account. Moreover, you can unlock various achievements by completing certain tasks or goals in the game. For example, you can unlock an achievement by guessing 50 logos correctly or by finishing a level with 3 stars.

How to download Logo Quiz Answers APK?

If you want to download Logo Quiz Answers APK, you have two options:

Download from APKCombo

APKCombo is a website that offers free and safe APK downloads for Android devices. You can download Logo Quiz Answers APK from APKCombo by following these steps:

  • Go to [APKCombo] on your browser.

  • Type "Logo Quiz Answers" in the search box and hit enter.

  • Select "Logo Quiz Answers" from the list of results.

  • Click on the "Download APK" button and choose a version that is compatible with your device.

  • Wait for the download to finish and then open the APK file to install it on your device.

Download from other sources

You can also download Logo Quiz Answers APK from other sources that offer APK files for Android devices. However, you have to be careful and make sure that the source is trustworthy and reliable. Some sources may contain malware or viruses that can harm your device or steal your data. To download Logo Quiz Answers APK from other sources, you have to follow these steps:

  • Find a source that offers Logo Quiz Answers APK and go to its website on your browser.

  • Look for a "Download APK" button or link and click on it.

  • Choose a version that is compatible with your device and wait for the download to finish.

  • Before installing the APK file on your device, you have to enable "Unknown sources" in your settings. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than Google Play Store.

  • Open the APK file and follow the instructions to install it on your device.

Tips and tricks for Logo Quiz Answers APK

To help you enjoy Logo Quiz Answers APK more and improve your logo knowledge, here are some tips and tricks that you can use:

Use your general knowledge and intuition

The best way to guess logos is to use your general knowledge and intuition. Try to remember where you have seen the logo before or what it reminds you of. For example, if you see a logo with a blue bird, you may think of Twitter. If you see a logo with a red cross, you may think of Red Cross. If you see a logo with a golden arches, you may think of McDonald's. Sometimes, the logo may also give you a clue about the name or the category of the brand. For example, if you see a logo with a green crocodile, you may think of Lacoste. If you see a logo with a red bull, you may think of Red Bull. If you see a logo with a blue globe, you may think of Facebook.

Use the internet or ask a friend

If you are still clueless about a logo or need some confirmation, you can use the internet or ask a friend for help. You can search for the logo on Google Images or Wikipedia and see if you can find the answer. You can also use social media or messaging apps to ask your friends if they know the logo. You may be surprised by how many logos your friends can recognize or how many logos you can learn from them.

Don't give up or skip logos

One of the most important tips for Logo Quiz Answers APK is to not give up or skip logos. Even if you think you don't know a logo or you have never seen it before, you should try to guess it anyway. You may be able to figure it out by using the clues and hints, by eliminating the wrong letters, or by making an educated guess. You may also be able to remember the logo later on when you see it again or when you learn more logos. Skipping logos will only make you miss out on the fun and the learning experience.


Logo Quiz Answers APK is a fun and challenging game that will test your logo knowledge and memory. You will have to guess the names of hundreds of logos from different categories and industries, such as cars, fashion, food, sports, technology, and more. You will also enjoy the features of the game, such as more than 1000 logos to guess, 16 exciting levels, 15 languages support, helpful clues and hints, leaderboards and achievements, and more. You can download Logo Quiz Answers APK from APKCombo or other sources and start playing it on your Android device. You can also use some tips and tricks to help you ace the game, such as using your general knowledge and intuition, using the internet or asking a friend, and not giving up or skipping logos. Logo Quiz Answers APK is a game that will keep you entertained and educated for hours.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Logo Quiz Answers APK:

  • Q: Is Logo Quiz Answers APK safe to download and install?

  • A: Yes, Logo Quiz Answers APK is safe to download and install as long as you get it from a reliable source like APKCombo. However, you should always scan any APK file before installing it on your device to make sure it is free of malware or viruses.

  • Q: How can I update Logo Quiz Answers APK?

  • A: You can update Logo Quiz Answers APK by downloading the latest version from APKCombo or other sources and installing it over the existing one. You can also check for updates from within the app by going to the settings menu and tapping on "Check for updates".

  • Q: How can I contact the developer of Logo Quiz Answers APK?

  • A: You can contact the developer of Logo Quiz Answers APK by sending an email to []. You can also visit their website [] for more information.

  • Q: How can I rate and review Logo Quiz Answers APK?

  • A: You can rate and review Logo Quiz Answers APK by going to Google Play Store and searching for "Logo Quiz Answers". You can also rate and review the app from within the app by going to the settings menu and tapping on "Rate us".

  • Q: How can I share Logo Quiz Answers APK with my friends?

  • A: You can share Logo Quiz Answers APK with your friends by using the share button on the main menu of the app. You can also share your results and achievements with your friends on social media or messaging apps by using the share button on the score screen.


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